Airport Innsbruck
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Information to pilots

Information to pilots

Information to Pilots about changes which have been implemented in the course of the RWY renovation. Therefore please check the download on the right side.

Contact & Information

Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsges.m.b.H.

Fürstenweg 180
6020  Innsbruck
Tel: +43 512 22525-300

Approvals and approach authorizations

Please find all details in the civil aviation handbook AIP LOWI.

Familiarization with the procedures intended for use with adequate briefing material is mandatory. The responsibility for the preparation of such information rests with the operator for commercial flights, respectively pilot in command (for non-commercial flights). A sample briefing may be obtained from the airport administration (or direct from or, but needs to be updated for the needs of the intended operation.

Instrument procedures: Operation in VMC on site or in a flight simulation training device FSTD (full flight simulator-FFS; Flight and navigation procedures trainer II-FNPT II) is required before first use of the instrument approach procedures in weather conditions of less than 3000 FT (AAL) Ceiling and 5 KM Visibility and for the approval of any special approach and/or departure procedure.

Kontakt & Infos

General questions concerning Handling and Fees:
Tel: +43 512 22525-301

General questions concerning aircraft/airfield performance:

General questions to sample briefing:

INN - Föhn - LOWI

Föhn is a typical weather phenomenon in alpine regions and describes a warm, dry windstorm on the leeward side of a mountain range. To assure safety and to improve comfort, it is advisable during Föhn to follow a modified approach to Innsbruck airport. This guide tries to explain to pilots the Föhn-procedures LOWI in detail, in many variants and under various aspects.
It serves to make all the available experience concerning Föhn-LOWI accessible to the public.

Target Groups:

  • Pilots of Airlines
  • Pilots of Business Jets, classic General Aviation, Air Taxi
  • Pilots of small aircraft up to 5,7t

Pilots of gliders, hang-gliders and paragliders are not amongst the target group.

For arrivals from the east, Föhn procedures are designed to take advantage of the fact that the least turbulence can be expected along the Nordkette (northern mountain range). For arrivals from all directions a good option is a visual approach from the West (or initially RNAV approach) along the upper part of the Inn valley straight-in to RWY 08.

Contact & Information

Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsges.m.b.H.

Martin Fleidl

Crew room

The new crew room is located on the 1st floor on the airside, above the GAC entrance. Waiting flight crews should use the crew room during a possible waiting time on the airside.