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Innsbruck Airport Fire Brigade

Innsbruck Airport`s fire brigade features the latest technical equipment. It has been a member of the city`s Fire Brigade Association for several years.

The team consists of around 60 fire fighters under the command of Thomas Reiner. The team is unique because all members are regular employees at the airport who have completed the fire fighter training course and attended additional courses in Vienna, Frankfurt or Stuttgart to equip them for situations unique to airports.

The airport fire brigade can reach any spot of the airport grounds within 3 minutes and has 7 vehicles, the command vehicle being the only one of its kind in Tyrol. It has a constant radio connection with the professional fire brigade and the emergency rescue service and features an own meeting room. 

Contact & Information

Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsges.m.b.H.

Kommandant Thomas Reiner
Fürstenweg 180
6020  Innsbruck
Tel: +43 512 22525-230
Fax: +43 512 22525-102