Airport Innsbruck
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Innsbruck Airport

About us

Innsbruck Airport is an important economic driver and major factor for Tyrol as a location and in the past few years has turned into a modern service company offering a wide range of services. It serves as representative gateway for passengers arriving in Tyrol, provides impetus for the entire region, plays an important role with regard to the local transport infrastructure, is one of Innsbruck`s largest employers and makes a major contribution to ensuring the competitiveness of the local economy. Innsbruck Airport is operated with utmost consideration for the population and the environment.

Figures & facts


51,0% Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe (municipal service company)
24,5% Province of Tyrol
24,5% City of Innsbruck

Senior Management
Dipl.-Ing. Marco PERNETTA (Managing Director)
Prokurist Mag. (FH) Patrick DIERICH (Deputy Airport Manager, Authorised signatory)
Prokuristin Dipl-.Kff. (FH) Nadine HERRMANN (Authorised signatory)

Supervisory Board 
Mag. Dr. Paula STECHER (Chairman)
Dipl.-Ing. Helmuth MÜLLER (1st Deputy Chairman)
Mst. Matthias MÖLK (2nd Deputy Chairman)

Mag. (FH) Martina ENTNER
Mag. Gisela WURM
Mag. Bernhard BEYER, MA
Vorstandsdirektor Dipl.-Ing. Thomas GASSER, MBA
Vorstandsdirektor Dr. Thomas PÜHRINGER

Representatives of the employees delegated to the supervisory board in accordance with §110 Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz (Labour Constitution Act):
Ing. Florian BARTA
Tiziana HALLER