Airport Innsbruck
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Innsbruck Airport as an Employer

Innsbruck Airport is a well-respected modern service provider that is both commercially successful and an important employer for the local region. 

With a total of  approx. 1 million passengers per year, Innsbruck Airport is Austria’s third largest airport. It is therefore an integral and essential hub that is extremely important in terms of tourism, business and transport policy.

Under the company name of “Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsgesellschaft”, we currently employ a total of 200 members of staff (converted into full-time equivalents). All of these employees use their solid qualifications, high level of commitment and strong sense of personal responsibility to make a significant contribution towards our business success.

Do you want your career to “TAKE OFF” at our airport?

Please switch to the German version of our website to see the current vacancies.

Contact & Information

Human Resource
Fürstenweg 180
6020  Innsbruck
Tel: +43 512 22525-130
Fax: +43 512 22525-102